How much does a Sales Representative make in American Fork, UT?

Updated Feb 10, 2024



Total Pay Range
$109K - $200K/yr
Base Pay
$61K - $110K/yr
Additional Pay
$48K - $90K/yr


Most Likely Range

The estimated total pay for a Sales Representative is $145,589 per year in the American Fork, UT area, with an average salary of $81,322 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is $64,267 per year. Additional pay could include cash bonus, commission, tips, and profit sharing. The "Most Likely Range" represents values that exist within the 25th and 75th percentile of all pay data available for this role.

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Total Pay Trajectory

For Sales Representative in American Fork, UT

$145,589 /yr
Sales Representative
$164,594 /yr
Sales Representative Manager
$159,760 /yr
Assistant Director of Sales
See Full Career Path

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What is the total pay trajectory for Sales Representative?

Job TitleSalary
Sales Representative$145,589 /yr
Sales Representative Manager$164,594 /yr
Assistant Director of Sales$159,760 /yr

Related Job Titles

For Sales Representative in American Fork, UT

Some related job titles are Branch Account Manager Salaries with median pay of $65,564, Mortgage Consultant Salaries with median pay of $210,591, Pharmaceuticals Sales Representative Salaries with median pay of $146,205, Retail Sales Representative Salaries with median pay of $95,980.

Total Pay Trajectory

For Sales Representative in American Fork, UT

$145,589 /yr
Sales Representative
$164,594 /yr
Sales Representative Manager
$159,760 /yr
Assistant Director of Sales
See Full Career Path

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What is the total pay trajectory for Sales Representative?

Job TitleSalary
Sales Representative$145,589 /yr
Sales Representative Manager$164,594 /yr
Assistant Director of Sales$159,760 /yr

What are total pay estimates for a Sales Representative at different companies in American Fork, UT?

Total Pay Range
Sales RepresentativeSee 4 salaries from this location


 / yr
Squeeze Media
Sales RepresentativeSee 3 salaries from this location


 / hr
Sales RepresentativeSee 3 salaries from this location


 / hr
Pointe Communications
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / mo
Coca-Cola İçecek
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / mo
ROI Call Center Solutions
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / hr
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr

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Rise Broadband
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / hr
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
AMP Smart
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / hr
Market Basket
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / mo
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
Family First Life
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
Fidelity Investments
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
ELB Learning
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / hr
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
Aptive Environmental
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
Sales RepresentativeSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
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Sales Representative in American Fork, UT Salaries

Job TitleLocationSalary
DentalQore Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/yr
Squeeze Media Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/hr
Bidsync Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/hr
Pointe Communications Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/mo
Coca-Cola İçecek Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/mo
ROI Call Center Solutions Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/hr
DroneBase Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/yr
Rise Broadband Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/hr
DaBella Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/yr
AMP Smart Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/yr
Landvoice Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/hr
Market Basket Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/mo
TwinLab Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/yr
Family First Life Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/yr
Fidelity Investments Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/yr
ELB Learning Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/yr
Salesforce Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/hr
Novarad Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/yr
Aptive Environmental Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/yr
Sunrun Sales Representative salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAmerican Fork, UT/yr
Viewing 1 - 20 of 40

Glassdoor Economist Pay Overview

What is the pay outlook for Sales?

Sales roles are an important part of any business and are likely to grow as the economy expands. Compensation for sales workers often includes commissions, giving high-performing workers the opportunity to earn more. Specialized roles like technical sales also offer the opportunity to earn a higher salary for workers with technical skills. Customer service and communication skills are universally valuable, giving salespeople flexibility to work across companies and industries.

Sales Representative pay FAQ in American Fork, UT

The average salary for a Sales Representative is $145,589 per year in American Fork, UT. Salaries estimates are based on 111585 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Sales Representative employees in American Fork, UT.

The highest salary for a Sales Representative in American Fork, UT is $200,286 per year.

The lowest salary for a Sales Representative in American Fork, UT is $109,192 per year.

If you are thinking of becoming a Sales Representative or planning the next step in your career, find details about the role, the career path and salary trajectory of a Sales Representative.

As revenue-generating employees, sales representatives are typically well-compensated. In addition to their base salary, they earn commissions on the products they sell. Sales representatives selling products in the scientific and financial sectors are often paid higher than those selling consumer retail goods. The field can be broadly classified into two sub-fields: business to business sales (B2B) and business to consumer sales (B2C). Representatives in the B2B field are generally paid slightly higher than representatives in the B2C field.

Powered by Glassdoor Economic Research

Sales representatives have the potential to earn up to $64,267.21 in additional pay every year through bonuses, profit sharing, and commission, which may help qualify their salaries as good. On Glassdoor, an estimated 68% of sales representatives describe themselves as satisfied with their current level of pay.

Over time, salary in your sales representative career path is heavily influenced by the ability to drive leads, master sales skills, build client relationships, and close deals. Professionals earn between $84,441.77 and $262,719.50 on average, with estimated median pay of $145,589.27. Those who progress to roles as senior sale representatives can earn a salary that matches the required experience and skill associated with the position.

Boost your earning potential as a sales representative by gaining professional experience. Choose an industry to specialize in, such as consumer packaged goods, digital media, or insurance, and gain specialized skills and experience in that niche. Generally, the more specified experience you have, the more valuable you are to employers. If one industry isn't a great fit, increase your earnings potential by selecting a more profitable one. Your sales representative salary will generally be higher selling digital media products to businesses than selling pre-existing software upgrades to individuals, for instance. If your industry offers additional courses or training, take as many as you can, and consider professional certification.

While the negotiating table is anxiety-inducing, you have great potential to bargain for a higher salary in your sales representative job. Your value can easily be proven through sales dates and client reports, so come to the table with concrete proof of your results. If you've driven over 20 leads to the business over the last few months, for instance, bring detailed paperwork showing your contacts with these leads and the sales that resulted from your work. This is easier to do if you're bargaining from an established position, so if you're negotiating after an initial job offer, come equipped with strong references and solid proof from past positions you've worked.

Additional Resources

Sales Representative Job Description Template



sales representative


American Fork