How much does a Buyer make in Brentwood, NY?

Updated Feb 10, 2024



Total Pay Range
$93K - $162K/yr
Base Pay
$68K - $115K/yr
Additional Pay
$25K - $47K/yr


Most Likely Range

The estimated total pay for a Buyer is $121,983 per year in the Brentwood, NY area, with an average salary of $88,521 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is $33,462 per year. Additional pay could include cash bonus, commission, tips, and profit sharing. The "Most Likely Range" represents values that exist within the 25th and 75th percentile of all pay data available for this role.

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Total Pay Trajectory

For Buyer in Brentwood, NY

$121,983 /yr
$122,756 /yr
Buyer Manager
$131,322 /yr
Buyer IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the total pay trajectory for Buyer?

Job TitleSalary
Buyer$121,983 /yr
Buyer Manager$122,756 /yr
Buyer IV$131,322 /yr

Related Job Titles

For Buyer in Brentwood, NY

Some related job titles are Assistant Buyer Salaries with median pay of $78,458, Associate Buyer Salaries with median pay of $115,644, Assistant Buyer Salaries with median pay of $69,068, Planner Buyer Salaries with median pay of $86,339.

Total Pay Trajectory

For Buyer in Brentwood, NY

$121,983 /yr
$122,756 /yr
Buyer Manager
$131,322 /yr
Buyer IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the total pay trajectory for Buyer?

Job TitleSalary
Buyer$121,983 /yr
Buyer Manager$122,756 /yr
Buyer IV$131,322 /yr

What are total pay estimates for a Buyer at different companies in Brentwood, NY?

Total Pay Range
BuyerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr

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Buyer in Brentwood, NY Salaries

Job TitleLocationSalary
Parkell Buyer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedBrentwood, NY/yr
Viewing 1 - 20 of 20

Glassdoor Economist Pay Overview

What is the pay outlook for Business?

Jobs in business are in increasing demand, requiring workers with at least a bachelor’s degree and moderate to advanced technical skills, with the use of data often a required job function. To remain competitive, job seekers with little relevant field experience should consider higher degrees or industry-specific certificates to meet evolving requirements.

Buyer pay FAQ in Brentwood, NY

The average salary for a Buyer is $121,983 per year in Brentwood, NY. Salaries estimates are based on 17793 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Buyer employees in Brentwood, NY.

The highest salary for a Buyer in Brentwood, NY is $161,770 per year.

The lowest salary for a Buyer in Brentwood, NY is $93,281 per year.

If you are thinking of becoming a Buyer or planning the next step in your career, find details about the role, the career path and salary trajectory of a Buyer.

Buyers earn salaries similar to the salaries of other purchasing jobs including procurement officers. Their experience positions them well to move into senior management roles, eventually including highly paid executive titles like chief operating officer (COO) or chief executive officer (CEO). Buyer salaries are predicted to remain steady, as demand for the role remains steady.

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Anonymous ratings on Glassdoor show that 64% of buyers are satisfied with their salary. Having two to four years of experience and relevant certifications can lead to a good buyer's salary. Buyers may also make $33,462.32 annually in additional pay.

Buyers' total pay can range anywhere from $73,327.69 to $206,562.53, varying mostly based on years of experience. If you follow the typical career path for buyers, you're likely to end up with a total pay of $121,983.15. From there, it's common to move up to higher positions, such as director of purchasing.

If you want to really set yourself up for salary success throughout your career as a buyer, look into getting professional certifications beyond your bachelor's degree. Options include becoming a Certified Purchasing Professional, Certified Supply Chain Professional, Certified Professional Public Buyer, or Certified Public Purchasing Officer.

In addition, make sure you strengthen any relevant skills, such as being persuasive in negotiations, calculating rates and prices, analyzing products, and making quick, thoughtful decisions. Keep up with the latest software and other online tools that can help you streamline processes at work.

Want to boost your salary at your current buyer position? Luckily, there's likely data on your side. Gather any information you have about how the buying decisions you've made have impacted the company's sales for the better, and use that to strengthen your negotiations for a higher salary. This info could also be useful if you're searching for a new buyer job. Use it as a concrete example of how you've purchased strategically and driven sales. Further, before going into any negotiations, research average buyer salaries near you to get a good sense of what you should be making and what's fair to ask of your current or future employers.

Additional Resources

Buyer Job Description Template




