What are total pay estimates for a Construction Estimator Intern at different companies?

Total Pay Range
Peterson Consulting
Construction EstimatorSee 33 salaries from this location


 / yr
Construction EstimatorSee 19 salaries from this location


 / yr
Kiewit Corporation
Construction EstimatorSee 9 salaries from this location


 / yr
Turner Construction
Construction EstimatorSee 7 salaries from this location


 / yr
Chakra Construction
Construction EstimatorSee 6 salaries from this location


 / yr
Kaiser Permanente
Construction EstimatorSee 6 salaries from this location


 / yr
Terra Engineering & Construction
Construction EstimatorSee 6 salaries from this location


 / hr

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RJB Contracting Inc.
Construction EstimatorSee 6 salaries from this location


 / yr
Construction EstimatorSee 5 salaries from this location


 / yr
JRM Construction Management
Construction EstimatorSee 5 salaries from this location


 / yr
Construction EstimatorSee 5 salaries from this location


 / yr
Jenkins Restorations
Construction EstimatorSee 5 salaries from this location


 / yr
DPR Construction
Construction EstimatorSee 4 salaries from this location


 / yr
Construction EstimatorSee 4 salaries from this location


 / yr
Lcg Pence Construction
Construction EstimatorSee 4 salaries from this location


 / yr
Construction EstimatorSee 4 salaries from this location


 / yr
Express Employment Professionals
Construction EstimatorSee 4 salaries from this location


 / yr
Servpro Industries
Construction EstimatorSee 4 salaries from this location


 / yr
Synergy ProfessionalsConstruction EstimatorSee 4 salaries from this location


 / yr
Construction EstimatorSee 4 salaries from this location


 / yr
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Construction Estimator Intern Salaries

Job TitleSalary
Peterson Consulting Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
Aerotek Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
Kiewit Corporation Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
Turner Construction Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
Chakra Construction Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
Kaiser Permanente Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
Terra Engineering & Construction Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/hr
RJB Contracting Inc. Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
CyberCoders Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
JRM Construction Management Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
SelfEmployed.com Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
Jenkins Restorations Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
DPR Construction Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
ABC Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
Lcg Pence Construction Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
AECOM Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
Express Employment Professionals Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
Servpro Industries Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
Synergy Professionals Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
Zillow Construction Estimator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reported/yr
Viewing 1 - 20 of 1,060

Construction Estimator pay FAQ

The average salary for a Construction Estimator is $71,271 per year in United States. Salaries estimates are based on 1300 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Construction Estimator employees in United States.

The highest salary for a Construction Estimator in United States is $86,178 per year.

The lowest salary for a Construction Estimator in United States is $59,508 per year.

If you are thinking of becoming a Construction Estimator or planning the next step in your career, find details about the role, the career path and salary trajectory of a Construction Estimator.

Construction estimators have an immense responsibility to accurately quote projects that can cost millions of dollars. Considering their value, 73% of current estimators are satisfied with their salary and report earning up to $18,628.14 in annual bonuses, profit sharing, and client tips.

Setting out on the construction estimator career path often starts with a salary around $64,033.16 before averaging out to $76,945.98 once you have a foothold in the industry. Depending on how quickly you advance, you could start earning a base salary up to $145,320.25 within your company. Take commissions and stock options into account, and you can possibly earn up to $95,574.12.

It's common for a construction estimator career to require a Bachelor's degree in project management or a related field to start earning more money. When the time comes for you to apply to your first or next job, see what skills are currently being sought after in the job market to know what your experience and training could demand. Expanding your degree to a graduate level can help increase your pay, but finding a specialty within the industry can quickly drive your value and salary up with current and future employers.

Negotiation skills are a strong asset to have when applying for construction estimator jobs, both for getting a higher pay rate and working with vendors or contractors during estimates. Compare salary offers from job postings you see to gain a current perspective on what you could earn with various companies. Take this information with you into negotiations and present it with something similar to "I've found that my skills and experience are currently worth this amount in the active job market." If you have previous experience, share the results of your work and how they apply to the new position you're negotiating for.



construction estimator intern