How much does a Store Manager make in Gray, TN?

Updated Feb 10, 2024



Total Pay Range
$70K - $117K/yr
Base Pay
$50K - $81K/yr
Additional Pay
$19K - $36K/yr


Most Likely Range

The estimated total pay for a Store Manager is $89,569 per year in the Gray, TN area, with an average salary of $63,777 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is $25,793 per year. Additional pay could include cash bonus, commission, tips, and profit sharing. The "Most Likely Range" represents values that exist within the 25th and 75th percentile of all pay data available for this role.

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Total Pay Trajectory

For Store Manager in Gray, TN

$89,569 /yr
Store Manager
$80,516 /yr
Head Store Manager
$109,994 /yr
Store Manager Manager
See Full Career Path

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What is the total pay trajectory for Store Manager?

Job TitleSalary
Store Manager$89,569 /yr
Head Store Manager$80,516 /yr
Store Manager Manager$109,994 /yr

Related Job Titles

For Store Manager in Gray, TN

Some related job titles are Retail Store Manager Salaries with median pay of $81,686, Assistant Store Manager Salaries with median pay of $68,047, General Manager Salaries with median pay of $134,579, Retail Manager Salaries with median pay of $63,151.

Total Pay Trajectory

For Store Manager in Gray, TN

$89,569 /yr
Store Manager
$80,516 /yr
Head Store Manager
$109,994 /yr
Store Manager Manager
See Full Career Path

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What is the total pay trajectory for Store Manager?

Job TitleSalary
Store Manager$89,569 /yr
Head Store Manager$80,516 /yr
Store Manager Manager$109,994 /yr

What are total pay estimates for a Store Manager at different companies in Gray, TN?

Total Pay Range
GPM Investments
Store ManagerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
Intimate Treasures
Store ManagerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr

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Store Manager in Gray, TN Salaries

Job TitleLocationSalary
GPM Investments Store Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedGray, TN/yr
Intimate Treasures Store Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedGray, TN/yr
Viewing 1 - 20 of 20

Glassdoor Economist Pay Overview

What is the pay outlook for Retail & Food Services?

Job openings are high in retail and food services as more Americans spend money at stores and restaurants. While retail and food services wages are lower than the national average, wage growth is higher. Jobs in retail and food services generally require little formal education or training, making these jobs accessible to most job seekers.

Store Manager pay FAQ in Gray, TN

The average salary for a Store Manager is $89,569 per year in Gray, TN. Salaries estimates are based on 108272 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Store Manager employees in Gray, TN.

The highest salary for a Store Manager in Gray, TN is $116,977 per year.

The lowest salary for a Store Manager in Gray, TN is $69,642 per year.

If you are thinking of becoming a Store Manager or planning the next step in your career, find details about the role, the career path and salary trajectory of a Store Manager.

Pay for store managers varies widely, since the job title encompasses so many possible industries and responsibilities. Store managers are typically paid at a premium to more junior team members, as compensation for their additional work training, supervising and coaching others. They may receive a commission on every sale one of the sales made by an associate they supervise. Store managers can increase their pay by progressing into executive level positions.

Powered by Glassdoor Economic Research

According to anonymous Glassdoor ratings, about 65% of store managers are satisfied with their current salary. Store managers can also make an additional $25,792.74 per year with bonuses and profit sharing.

The total pay range as a store manager varies by state. Depending on your experience level, it can be as high as $147,315.97 or as low as $55,587.42. On average, a store manager's salary is $63,776.53. The next step in the average career of a store manager is senior store manager, at an average salary of $79,603.

If you want to earn more from your career as a store manager, earning an advanced degree, such as a graduate or master's degree, taking on more high-level responsibilities, and having a store with high sales numbers can help a store manager earn a higher salary. Some stores even offer commissions if sales are high enough. As a store manager, you can raise sales in your store by helping staff to develop sales and customer service skills, working to retain staff long term, and hiring high performers to boost your store's sales.

When preparing to negotiate for a higher salary, you need to know the market value of a store manager in your area.

If you are negotiating for a new store manager job, use your knowledge of the average store manager's salary and ask for 10% to 20% above the offer. Say something such as, "Does the salary have any wiggle room? I was hoping it would be around $X." Be aware that the employer may offer an amount below your counteroffer.

Use a similar tactic when negotiating a raise. Ask for 10% to 20% above what you're making now, and come prepared to explain why your job performance deserves a raise.

Additional Resources

Store Manager Job Description Template



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