How much does a Sales Associate make in New York City, NY?

Updated Apr 16, 2024



Total Pay Range
$64K - $114K/yr
Base Pay
$44K - $75K/yr
Additional Pay
$21K - $39K/yr


Most Likely Range

The estimated total pay for a Sales Associate is $85,071 per year in the New York City, NY area, with an average salary of $57,297 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is $27,774 per year. Additional pay could include cash bonus, commission, tips, and profit sharing. The "Most Likely Range" represents values that exist within the 25th and 75th percentile of all pay data available for this role.

How accurate is a total pay range of $64K-$114K/yr?
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Related Job Titles

For Sales Associate in New York City, NY

Some related job titles are Part Time Sales Associate Salaries with median pay of $56,933, Sales Associate/Cashier Salaries with median pay of $44,272, Seasonal Sales Associate Salaries with median pay of $45,578, Cashier Salaries with median pay of $43,529.

Top Paying Companies

For a Sales Associate in New York City, NY

Below is the total pay for the top 10 highest paying companies for a Sales Associate in New York City, NY. Employers include Oracle, Bloomberg and UBS.

4K open jobs
See pay for all companies for a Sales Associate in New York City, NYView data as table

Top Paying Companies

For Sales Associate in New York City, NY

8Thomson Reuters$134,603
10Goldman Sachs$133,633

What are total pay estimates for a Sales Associate at different companies in New York City, NY?

Total Pay Range
Sales AssociateSee 468 salaries from this location


 / hr
Urban Outfitters
Sales AssociateSee 401 salaries from this location


 / hr
Sales AssociateSee 384 salaries from this location


 / hr
Sales AssociateSee 281 salaries from this location


 / hr
Sales AssociateSee 269 salaries from this location


 / hr
Sales AssociateSee 247 salaries from this location


 / hr
Sales AssociateSee 232 salaries from this location


 / hr

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Forever 21
Sales AssociateSee 201 salaries from this location


 / hr
American Eagle Outfitters
Sales AssociateSee 195 salaries from this location


 / hr
Old Navy
Sales AssociateSee 182 salaries from this location


 / hr
Sales AssociateSee 174 salaries from this location


 / hr
Victoria's Secret
Sales AssociateSee 172 salaries from this location


 / hr
Sales AssociateSee 167 salaries from this location


 / hr
J. Crew
Sales AssociateSee 162 salaries from this location


 / hr
Best Buy
Sales AssociateSee 153 salaries from this location


 / hr
Banana Republic
Sales AssociateSee 133 salaries from this location


 / hr
The Home Depot
Sales AssociateSee 127 salaries from this location


 / hr
Foot Locker
Sales AssociateSee 123 salaries from this location


 / hr
Sales AssociateSee 121 salaries from this location


 / hr
Sales AssociateSee 121 salaries from this location


 / hr
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Sales Associate in New York City, NY Salaries

Job TitleLocationSalary
Macy's Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Urban Outfitters Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Uniqlo Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Zara Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Gap Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
H&M Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Bloomingdale's Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Forever 21 Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
American Eagle Outfitters Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Old Navy Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Madewell Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Victoria's Secret Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Target Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
J. Crew Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Best Buy Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Banana Republic Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
The Home Depot Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Foot Locker Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Staples Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Anthropologie Sales Associate salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedNew York City, NY/hr
Viewing 1 - 20 of 5,160

Top Paying Industries

For a Sales Associate in New York City, NY

The top 5 paying industries for a Sales Associate in New York City, NY are Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology with a median total pay of $108,475, Financial Services with a median total pay of $94,508, Information Technology with a median total pay of $82,192, Management & Consulting with a median total pay of $78,438, and Real Estate with a median total pay of $60,958.

IndustryTotal PayTotal Pay Insight
  • Pharmaceutical & BiotechnologyPharmaceutical & Biotechnology$108,475

    62% Higher than other industries

  • Financial ServicesFinancial Services$94,508

    56% Higher than other industries

  • Information TechnologyInformation Technology$82,192

    49% Higher than other industries

  • Management & ConsultingManagement & Consulting$78,438

    47% Higher than other industries

  • Real EstateReal Estate$60,958

    32% Higher than other industries

Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology

Top paying companies in Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology for Sales Associate are Merck and Johnson & Johnson.


Glassdoor Economist Pay Overview

What is the pay outlook for Sales?

Sales roles are an important part of any business and are likely to grow as the economy expands. Compensation for sales workers often includes commissions, giving high-performing workers the opportunity to earn more. Specialized roles like technical sales also offer the opportunity to earn a higher salary for workers with technical skills. Customer service and communication skills are universally valuable, giving salespeople flexibility to work across companies and industries.

How does the Sales associate salary in New York City, NY compare to the national average salary in US for the same job?

The average salary for a Sales associate in US is $35,205 per year based on 53,772 salary contributions, which is 16.98% less than the salary for a Sales associate in New York City, NY. The cost of living and the local demand for the work are among the factors affecting wages. The top 3 companies in US where a Sales associate gets the highest compensation are Mattress Holding Corp., AutoNation, Inc. and Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc.. Bigger companies typically pay 18.27% more than smaller companies for a Sales associate.

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For sales associate in New York City, NY

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Sales Associate

New York City, NY

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$60K | $10K

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Sales Associate

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Accessories Sales Associate

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1-3 years
Sales Associate

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1-3 years

Sales Associate pay FAQ in New York City, NY

The average salary for a Sales Associate is $85,071 per year in New York City, NY. Salaries estimates are based on 328094 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Sales Associate employees in New York City, NY.

The highest salary for a Sales Associate in New York City, NY is $114,092 per year.

The lowest salary for a Sales Associate in New York City, NY is $64,482 per year.

If you are thinking of becoming a Sales Associate or planning the next step in your career, find details about the role, the career path and salary trajectory of a Sales Associate.

Pay for sales associates is similar to pay for waitresses, cashiers, food and beverage workers, information clerks and customer service representatives. They typically earn hourly wages. Additionally, many sales associates receive perks specific to the store in which they work. A sales associate at a clothing store may receive discounted outfits

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Sales Associate Job Description Template



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New York City