How much does an IT Project Manager make in San Luis Obispo, CA?

Updated Feb 10, 2024



Total Pay Range
$116K - $188K/yr
Base Pay
$98K - $153K/yr
Additional Pay
$19K - $35K/yr


Most Likely Range

The estimated total pay for a IT Project Manager is $147,383 per year in the San Luis Obispo, CA area, with an average salary of $122,433 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is $24,950 per year. Additional pay could include cash bonus, commission, tips, and profit sharing. The "Most Likely Range" represents values that exist within the 25th and 75th percentile of all pay data available for this role.

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Total Pay Trajectory

For Technical Project Manager in San Luis Obispo, CA

$140,872 /yr
Technical Project Manager
$159,724 /yr
Technical Project Manager IV
$185,212 /yr
Senior Technical Project Manager
See Full Career Path

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What is the total pay trajectory for Technical Project Manager?

Job TitleSalary
Technical Project Manager$140,872 /yr
Technical Project Manager IV$159,724 /yr
Senior Technical Project Manager$185,212 /yr

Related Job Titles

For It Project Manager in San Luis Obispo, CA

Some related job titles are Information Technology Project Manager Salaries with median pay of $145,051, IT Consultant/Project Manager Salaries with median pay of $138,999, IT Director Salaries with median pay of $201,430, IT Program Manager Salaries with median pay of $172,696.

Total Pay Trajectory

For Technical Project Manager in San Luis Obispo, CA

$140,872 /yr
Technical Project Manager
$159,724 /yr
Technical Project Manager IV
$185,212 /yr
Senior Technical Project Manager
See Full Career Path

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What is the total pay trajectory for Technical Project Manager?

Job TitleSalary
Technical Project Manager$140,872 /yr
Technical Project Manager IV$159,724 /yr
Senior Technical Project Manager$185,212 /yr

What are total pay estimates for an It Project Manager at different companies in San Luis Obispo, CA?

Total Pay Range
IT Project ManagerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
Republic Services
IT Project ManagerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr

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It Project Manager in San Luis Obispo, CA Salaries

Job TitleLocationSalary
Saksoft IT Project Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedSan Luis Obispo, CA/yr
Republic Services IT Project Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedSan Luis Obispo, CA/yr
Viewing 1 - 20 of 20

Glassdoor Economist Pay Overview

What is the pay outlook for Product & Project Management?

Product and project management roles help companies operate efficiently, run programs and develop new products. Organization and communication skills are important for product and project managers. Experience and specialization within specific markets or products can help job seekers stand out. Additionally, product and project management roles are very diverse, so data, design or market research skills can help open up more opportunities.

IT Project Manager pay FAQ in San Luis Obispo, CA

The average salary for an IT Project Manager is $147,383 per year in San Luis Obispo, CA. Salaries estimates are based on 12348 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by an IT Project Manager employees in San Luis Obispo, CA.

The highest salary for an IT Project Manager in San Luis Obispo, CA is $188,245 per year.

The lowest salary for an IT Project Manager in San Luis Obispo, CA is $116,484 per year.

If you are thinking of becoming an IT Project Manager or planning the next step in your career, find details about the role, the career path and salary trajectory of an IT Project Manager.

Additional Resources

IT Project Manager Job Description Template



it project manager


San Luis Obispo