What are total pay estimates for an Engineer at different companies in Albany, NY?

Total Pay Range
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
NY Environmental Conservation
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
National Nuclear Laboratory
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
Xcell Automation
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
Latham Pool Products
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
HDT Global
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / hr

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EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
SPEC Consulting
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
Exyte U.S., Inc.
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
TAG Solutions
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
Engineer ISee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
Livonia, Avon and Lakeville Railroad
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / hr
Blasch Precision Ceramics
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
EngineerSee 1 salary from this location


 / yr
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Engineer in Albany, NY Salaries

Job TitleLocationSalary
Stantec Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
NY Environmental Conservation Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
National Nuclear Laboratory Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
Xcell Automation Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
Hitachi Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
Latham Pool Products Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
HDT Global Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/hr
Tech180 Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
Tesco Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
SPEC Consulting Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
Exyte U.S., Inc. Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
KeyBank Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
TAG Solutions Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
AECOM Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
Bechtel Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
WSP Engineer I salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
Livonia, Avon and Lakeville Railroad Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/hr
Blasch Precision Ceramics Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
BD Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
HDR Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedAlbany, NY/yr
Viewing 41 - 60 of 100

Glassdoor Economist Pay Overview

What is the pay outlook for Engineering?

Engineering jobs are in high demand with workers receiving generous compensation packages and bonuses. Engineering offers ample opportunity for growth and development with transferable skills across an array of fields from software, supply chain and logistics to aerospace. Most roles require at least a bachelor’s degree. To remain competitive, job-seekers should consider specialization or skill-specific programs such as coding boot-camps or certifications.

Engineer pay FAQ in Albany, NY

The average salary for an Engineer is $106,115 per year in Albany, NY. Salaries estimates are based on 88040 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by an Engineer employees in Albany, NY.

The highest salary for an Engineer in Albany, NY is $141,764 per year.

The lowest salary for an Engineer in Albany, NY is $79,945 per year.

If you are thinking of becoming an Engineer or planning the next step in your career, find details about the role, the career path and salary trajectory of an Engineer.

Engineering salaries are high, reflecting the field’s significant barriers to entry. A bachelor’s in engineering degree is considered a minimum qualification, although many firms strongly prefer candidates with internship experience. Once hired, engineers typically work full time and are paid a salary with full benefits. Candidates with a Master of Engineering degree are typically paid higher salaries than candidates with only a bachelor’s degree. Successful engineers can earn a Professional Engineering (PE) license that indicates they are ready for more leadership responsibility, or they may choose to transition into a project manager role.

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According to Glassdoor's data, roughly 71% of engineers consider their salaries as good. Your earnings could include around $13,674.86 in extra perks and profit sharing. Higher-paid roles often require over five years of industry experience, and you could earn more if you become a principal or senior engineer.

Most engineers have a degree in mathematics, science, or engineering, but it could be worth going the extra mile to complete a master's degree. A postgraduate qualification can prepare you for leadership roles and give you the skills you need to enter in-demand specializations. Therefore, a master's degree in subjects such as mechanical and industrial engineering, systems engineering, or engineering management could help you earn a higher salary as an engineer.

Alternatively, earning certifications in your industry area can help you stand out from other candidates and add value to your company. For instance, you could consider obtaining the Certified Quality Engineer or Certified Reliability Engineer qualifications through ASQ.

If you think you've found your ideal engineer job but the salary is less than stellar, you may be able to negotiate a better compensation package. Impressing your potential employer in the interview can make it easier to negotiate later, so begin by finding out what questions other candidates were asked.

Once you've nailed the interview, it's time to talk salary. Highlighting how you can help your employer reach its goals is crucial, so be ready to give real-life examples from your previous roles. Statistical evidence is often the most compelling, so provide exact figures showing how your input reduced errors, increased productivity, or improved processes.

Additional Resources

Engineer Job Description Template




