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Director Program Management Management Salaries by Demographic

Averages are based on self-reported salaries. There may be multiple reasons for pay differences - one of which is a small number of salaries submitted per job. Help make it more accurate by adding yours. Learn how this feature works.

GenderSalaries SubmittedAverage Base Pay (USD)
Men6 salaries
6 salaries
Women6 salaries
6 salaries
Gender Not Reported60 salaries
60 salaries
Non-BinaryNot enough salaries reported

Accenture Salary FAQs

The average salary for a Director Program Management Management is $191,313 per year (estimate) in United States, which is Infinity% higher than the average Accenture salary of $0 per year (estimate) for this job.

Pay Benefits and Highlights at Accenture

Vacation & Paid Time Off

"Solid paid time off option."


401K Plan

"the retirement plan has a company match"


Health Insurance

"excellent health and dental coverage"


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