Total Salary Range for Microsoft Software Engineer II in Boston, MA

·10 Salaries Submitted·Updated Feb 10, 2024

Total Pay


$192K (Median Total Pay)

The estimated total pay range for a Software Engineer II at Microsoft is $166K–$227K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average Software Engineer II base salary at Microsoft is $140K per year. The average additional pay is $52K per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips.

The “Most Likely Range” reflects values within the 25th and 75th percentile of all pay data available for this role. Glassdoor salaries are powered by our proprietary machine learning model, which utilizes salaries collected from our users and the latest government data to make pay predictions.

How was this calculated?

Pay Breakdown


Total Pay
Pay TypeRangeMedian% of Total Pay
Base Pay
$127K - $155K$140K/yr73.2%
$16K - $30K$21K/yr11%
$23K - $43K$30K/yr15.8%
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Recent Salaries Shared for Software Engineer II at Microsoft

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Job Title

Total Pay

Base | Additional

Years of ExperienceDate Submitted

Software Engineer II

1-3 years

Boston, MA

$137K - $160K

Sep 5, 2023

1-3 years

Sep 5, 2023

Software Engineer II

4-6 years

Boston, MA

$176K - $203K

Jul 8, 2023

4-6 years

Jul 8, 2023

Software Engineer II

4-6 years

Boston, MA


$160K | $39K

Feb 27, 2023

4-6 years

Feb 27, 2023

Software Engineer II

1-3 years

Boston, MA

$199K - $230K

Jan 28, 2022

1-3 years

Jan 28, 2022

Software Engineer II

10-14 years

Boston, MA

$182K - $211K

Nov 27, 2020

10-14 years

Nov 27, 2020

Viewing 1 - 5 of 5

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Software Engineer II Salaries by Demographic

Averages are based on self-reported salaries. There may be multiple reasons for pay differences - one of which is a small number of salaries submitted per job. Help make it more accurate by adding yours. Learn how this feature works.

GenderSalaries SubmittedAverage Base Pay (USD)
Men80 salaries
80 salaries
Women28 salaries
28 salaries
Gender Not Reported1464 salaries
1464 salaries
Non-BinaryNot enough salaries reported

Microsoft Salary FAQs

The average salary for a Software Engineer II is $148,652 per year (estimate) in Boston, MA, which is 27% lower than the average Microsoft salary of $203,964 per year (estimate) for this job.

The salary trajectory of a Software Engineer II ranges between locations and employers. The salary starts at $86,297 per year (estimate) and goes up to $206,123 per year (estimate) for the highest level of seniority.

Pay Benefits and Highlights at Microsoft

Health Insurance

"health insurance it high deductible but super flexible and gives people lots of good discounts "


Vacation & Paid Time Off

"Health Insurance is a really great benefit. "


Employee Discount

"Good insurance and benefits overall"


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